Now I Have to Think of Something
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Now I Have to Think of Something
Copyright © September 13, 2015 Douglas W Jerving.
All Rights Reserved.
Writing is not typically an immediate event. Not for me anyway. I have a lot of things on
my mind, and they are typically stream of conscious oriented. But I tend to over-analyze
every thought, and rewrite every word. My blog is an attempt to move beyond that fault and
just say what needs to be said. It does not always make sense as far as I interpret sense,
until the over-analysis part of me inputs a constraint upon it.
I write because I have to. It is me, like a fish breathes through water, I breathe through
the percussion of ideas. I am oxygenated by the reverberation of concepts as they come in
conflict with the gills of my being - the only being I can be aware of in this life.
I only understand life, or existence, or even death, intuitively from within myself. That
is a contiguous experience. We all know only that, since none of us have (yet) died. It is
a matter of faith, or rather philosophy, the real existence of an after-life. We all want
to deny such a doctrine, but we all fear its reality.
Materialism denies the reality but holds fast to the fear. Somehow, although we reject God
or gods we still fear the possibility of existence, and existence implies the God we deny,
and that is why we still fear. Fear is illogical and even non-existent in a materialistic
universe. So too are morals, goals, love, hate, vengeance, reprieve, and a whole host of
other metaphysical experiences common to all mankind. So to are ridiculousness, stupidity,
harshness, brilliance and other intellectual personae related to humanity. In fact, even
the concept of humanism - a typically non-theist congruent - is essentially meaningless
in a purely materialist "-verse", (whether uni- or multi-, the ethical problem remains).
So I guess this first post has set forth a few first principals. First, I am an idealist
philosophically, and second, I believe in God. Third, God is a real moral being because
morality is inseparable from whom we are. So I am arguing from our own undeniably moral
nature that God exists, and that we are responsible to Him because we cannot deny our
own metaphysical reality. I think that Cornelius Van Til and John Calvin and Augustine
argued these points far better than me. But they did so merely because they were willing
to recognize the reality of a metaphysics that cannot be constrained by the illogic of
Eventually, any stream of consciousness ideology or atheist/humanist argument against God
becomes a denial of our own existence. In fact, that was the failure of Existentialism,
where the ultimate proof of one's existence was suicide - a moral decision. Infanticide
and abortion and genocide are nothing more than the moral outworkings of suicide turned
upon others because of an existential fear of self-death. In a society that denies the
reality of death, particularly one's own death, it is easier to pervade that death upon
others. And again, death is the morality-play, the danse-macabre that those who deny
moral reality enforce upon others in order to vicariously deny it to themselves. They
deny the morality of their own existence by impugning it on others. That is nothing less
than human sacrifice.
Again, that is the existence of morality in a universe that, according to consistent
materialist thinkers, denies such existence. Get in the box. Believe you are outside the
box and then question whether the cat in the box is dead or alive. Morons! You are in it
whether you admit its darkness or not. "Death becomes her"! The cat has killed herself
and we are she.
At least that is the moral judgment we all know inherently. Next we should consider the
dog responding to the bell.
Doug Jerving is the publisher of the You may contact him at

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